I started out at a very young age (pretty smart figgerin' wouldn't you say), knowing something wasn't right. I loved playing with my sister (cancer took her in 2009 damnit!)..but how could I tell anyone? I'm the little guy on the bottom right..the one without the stupid look on my face.

To say I was a bit confused would be an understatement! It was at the age of 4 or 5 that I knew I was different. Cute little feller wasn't I?

My life as a man has been good, but unfulfilled. My very first memory of wanting to be a girl was at about 4 or 5 years old. Unfortunately, life has to go on and not necessarily in the direction you have in mind.

Out of high school, married and with a beautiful daughter, I realized my gas station attendant pay wasn't going to cut it...so, I joined the Army as a Paratrooper
During my career I spent time in elite units such as the 82nd Airborne Division and 10th Special Forces Group. In this profession, I was not only a very masculine leader, I was also very committed to my men, my unit and my country, and excelled in everything I did.

In 1988 I attended Special Forces Assessment and Selection Course (class 2-88), washed out because of my Tourette's Syndrome. I returned to my home station and had a rappelling accident (70' fall) which resulted in an Honorable Medical Discharge.
I've always lived by my conscience and while working at an army finance office I blew the whistle on them for fraud. Only a minor investigation to appease me was conducted but found no wrong doing...until the Afgan and Iraq invasions. By then, my allegations were forgotten by all concerned.

Moving on, I became a long haul trucker and lived on the road pretty much 24/7/365. On the road I had the freedom to be the woman I've always wanted to be

After living as a man for 59 years I'm finally on my way to my dream of becoming a woman. The road here has been a long one, at times winding down an unfamiliar path, at times a real uphill struggle and times, coasting easily downhill. My born gender should have been “Female” because that's where my head and heart are.
Yes, my dream to be a soft, pretty, feminine woman has been a long time in coming and I have decided that now is that time.
I originally wrote the following paragraph and realized it sounded awfully harsh. I'll explain before you read it...I do know there are some who will not accept my transition. I want you to know I understand fully and that' it's OK. You're living with your beliefs and values. I just hate that you and i will be separated. I also want you to know that my love or friendship for you won't change and that I'll always be just a phone call, text message or email away should you want to rekindle our friendship at a later time.
Now you'll see what I'm talking about, please read on...

It's time for ME to live MY life for ME, NOT my family, NOT those who I think are my friends but will disown me as soon as they find out of my plans. MY life and MY happiness are now in MY HANDS and NO ONE will ever again dictate to me WHAT MY HAPPINESS ENTAILS.
As life gives us dreams and opportunities, it also gives us friends who will support us, encourage us and believe in us. I'm happy to say I've recently found I have SO many of those friends who will be there for me, always. They are the kind of friends that will stand by you regardless of who you are, what you do or where your dreams take you.
Back in1995, this was Julia, an army buddy who showed me to do make-up, me and my mother who I lost a couple months ago in June 2012
I did end up getting old before I started my transition. This is me at the age of 58, just 2 months before I began living my life as a woman. I look so old and tired in this picture.

This is me on my very first day living as a woman.

This is me 3 years later

I still maintain responsibilities which are Amateur Radio related. Yes I'm a HAM, advanced class, KR1SS and have been since 1985. I also have a long list of credentials in the hobby. My favorite is my current responsibility of putting on Quartzfest which has quickly become the biggest Amateur Radio gathering for RV'ers and Campers in the US and possibly even the in the entire world.
Well, that's it for now. Thanks for reading thus far. I hope you are able to gain some insight in to my struggle while browsing the rest of this site....BTW's..I'm now a strong, confident and very happy woman. Ah, life is good!!